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Tea and Hydration

Water is essential. Our bodies are made up of about 60% water, and just about every bodily function depends on water to operate properly. When you’re dehydrated, you don’t feel or look your best, as water is key for healthy skin, hair, and nails, as well as aiding in digestion, controlling heart rate, and regulating blood pressure.

If you’re worried about getting your recommended 8-ounce cups of water in a day, we have good news: drinking tea counts towards your water intake! Whether it’s green tea, white tea, black tea, oolong tea, or tisanes, all tea has been known to help keep you hydrated. At its core, a cup of tea is 98% water and 2% tea, making it a great way to hit your daily water intake goals. Additionally, tea is packed with antioxidants, making it an incredibly healthy (and delicious) alternative to water.

So why have people long believed that tea didn’t contribute to hydration? 

It is because all teas that come from the Camellia sinensis plant contain caffeine, and caffeine is a diuretic. A diuretic is any substance that causes the body to urinate. For a long time, there was a misconception that the diuretic effect of caffeine in tea offset the hydration.

Thankfully, though, since tea is considered to be a lower-caffeine drink (if steeping directions are followed correctly), the diuretic effect is minimal. On the whole, tea gives your body much more water than it causes your body to lose. Therefore, drinking tea helps to hydrate your body overall.

If you’re looking for delicious, hydrating, and caffeine-free teas that can be enjoyed any time of day, be sure to try our Wellness Rejuvenating Tea Bundle

Remember, any tea type can potentially contribute to hydration goals, even caffeinated varieties, so choose a tea that you love, whether it's from our Wellness, Time, or Classic Collection, and sip on it daily. Your mind and body will thank you!

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